Last week, I had the pleasure of having lunch with a very talented and accomplished public relations expert who was telling me about her years of work for Fortune 500 firms and agency experience at Ogilvy & Mather, one of the top advertising agencies in New York. Having myself started at a small ad agency, […]
What does this mean to you and your email marketing? Read the full story in the Official Gmail Blog…
Last week, I met with someone who’s helping a local preschool in my town grapple with the question, “Why aren’t we getting new clients?”. The owners of this preschool are longtime area residents, their backgrounds are in education, and in fact their preschool looks terrific when you go for a visit. So why are the […]
A few years ago, a friend and I were discussing a popular restaurant chain. The restaurant’s slogan was “Steaks, Seafood, Salad”.
We are all marketers. No matter what industry or profession we are in, each of us must market ourselves and our businesses. Marketing on the Internet includes developing an effective website. Each page of your website should focus on a singular topic. And because search engines are the primary way that people find websites, we […]
Every business owner needs to consider whether or not Facebook and Twitter belong in their marketing mix. But there’s a “secret” benefit to utilizing both of these social media tools that most business owners know absolutely nothing about: Facebook and Twitter are essential in communicating during an emergency.
To create a perfectly-timed email autoresponder, look to nature. That’s right — look to nature. Because nature tends to get things right (it’s people that mess things up!).
If you’ve ever registered an Internet domain name, chances are that at some point you have been on the receiving end of an SEO scam email.
As we prepare to launch another new website and Internet presence project this month, I am reminded about the concept of “buyer personas”. Understanding the concept of buyer personas will enable you to deliver the right message to your ideal prospect.
Last month, Google quietly made a change (they tend to do things like that). Effective immediately, Google is encrypting search results from all of its users. As a result, web analytics tools will no longer be able to identify which keywords are generating organic search traffic from Google to your website.