Author Archives: Andrew Lehrfeld

How is the Web Changing the Way We Work?

Last night, at a business development event in southern Connecticut, I became involved in a conversation with the president of the local commercial realtors’ association. He was lamenting the economy, and the fact that there was a large vacancy rate in his commercial office buildings. “I’m thinking of converting some of my office buildings to […]

Why Doesn’t Our Marketing Work?

why doesn't our marketing work

What is marketing? Marketing is the process of introducing your brand to the people who need what you’re selling. The purpose of marketing is to influence the people who need what you’re selling to buy from you instead of from your competitor. How often should a business market itself? Always. A business should always be […]

Internet Presence Marketing Visits the Bryant Park BCA/BDG

Internet Presence Marketing was invited to visit with the members of the Bryant Park, NY, chapter of the BCA Business Development Group (BCA/BDG) on Thursday, August 8. Approximately 15 business leaders from various fields including commercial finance and mortgage, personal finance, wealth management, information technology, insurance, communications, corporate photography, and business services were in attendance.

What is “Relevance” in Search Engine Marketing?

What is relevance?

(Updated 14 July 2024) When it comes to marketing your business and getting your website found online, it’s all about relevance. So, what exactly is “relevance”? Relevance is the degree to which your website is authoritative on a given topic. Here’s an example: Let’s say your website is all about underwater photography. If you want […]

Internet Presence Marketing Visits Tarrytown BCA BDG

Internet Presence Marketing was invited to meet with the members of the Tarrytown, NY, chapter of the BCA Business Development Group (BCA BDG) on Friday morning, July 12. The BCA Business Development Groups were founded in 2006 with the purpose of creating a large organization composed of individual groups, each dedicated to the purpose of […]