Have you ever heard the expression, “People do business with people; they don’t do business with companies”? It’s true — it is human nature to want to form a connection with another individual.
Author Archives: Andrew Lehrfeld
Give thought to helping another person — why is being mindful important? Being mindful of others doesn’t sound like the quickest path to success — but it is the best path toward building a business with a solid foundation.
Six months ago, I wrote a blog article titled “The Death of SEO” — it was based on my observation that Millennials and other young people were turning away from Google and search engines, instead using social media to find information and make buying decisions…
There is a lot of noise in my head lately — everything that needs to get done is screaming at me to get my attention. Is it that way for you, too?
Oh, no! It’s the death of SEO! Run, hide!!
Well, we all knew it would happen sometime — everything we know about the Internet would change eventually, we just didn’t know when it would happen. Let me back-up and explain…
Any classically-trained direct-marketer will tell you that traffic to your website (“hits”) really doesn’t matter — the only thing that matters is qualified new business leads.
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” Do you know the name John Wanamaker?
Marketing is the process of influencing how people feel about you, your company, and your brand. So you can tell your marketing is working when you perceive changes in people’s beliefs or in the things they do (actions they take).
What exactly is the difference between digital marketing and advertising, and when is it appropriate to use each? To illustrate the difference, let’s first define “marketing” and then “advertising”.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising has been hugely successful for many businesses since it was first introduced years ago — someone searching for the product or service you offer types what they’re looking for into Google, one of Google’s partner websites, or another search engine altogether, and your ad can appear prominently on their screen.